Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fish with Green Sauce

Down day today and it was a beautiful and hot early summer special. I bought some fresh fish at the local market and made this delicious and very healthy grilled fish with green sauce which I served with salad leaves and a diced tomato.
Green sauce makes enough paste for 2 x 100 gram fish fillets.
To make the green sauce I threw these ingredients into my food processor:
1 garlic clove
1 tablespoon olive oil
half a cup of parsley
half a teaspoon of crushed chilli
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of capers
Blitz everything into a paste. I made this about an hour ahead of when I wanted to cook it so I smeared all of the paste onto  my fish and put it in the fridge but you can start to cook it straight away.
To grill, turn the grill on with a pan inside to cook the fish on. I used my sponge roll tin. Once it is hot then lay down 2 layers of foil and put the fish on. Having the cooking tin hot already helps the fish to cook from the bottom as well as the top. I put the oven tray in on the second level down not right up at the top of the oven.
Grill until cooked. My fish (grouper) was pretty thick and all up it took about 8 minutes to cook. You will just have to check that it is cooked in the thickest part.
All Done!
According to the sparkpeople recipe calculator this recipe, including the salad and tomato comes in at 401 calories.
You could easily feed two people with this, especially if you boosted the salad portion a little.
I was feeling quite hungry so I ate the whole portion myself. Today I have had only a macchiato for breakfast and even though yesterday was an eating day I was super busy and didn't feel very hungry so I only had a 200 calorie portion of leftover lentil and vege curry and for dinner some grilled chicken on a wholemeal bun which felt like plenty.
I have some fresh strawberries sitting on the table and may snack on them later if I'm hungry. Right now my dinner has left me feeling pretty full!
I have to say that this is the most successful way of eating I have tried and I have tried a fair few but always give up. I have not felt hugely hungry and if I fancy something on a down day I know I only have to wait until tomorrow to have it. After one week my scale has me 4 kilos down so that is awesome. I also have been exercising three times at the gym this weeks so that helps.
Feeling pretty good.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Down Day

Yesterday was a down day and it went very well. I didn't feel hungry.

I made a very big pot of pumpkin and lentil curry which is one of my favourites. We are just in Spring here in New Zealand so one day the weather can be awesome and then the next few not so much. Like now.

Worked out the calories for the ingredients on the sparkpeople recipe maker. One big bowl of the curry is only 200 calories so it's a winner there.

I put the rest in the freezer - maybe I'll have it tomorrow. We'll see.

Trying to spend the rest of today writing -  not surfing the internet!

Monday, December 3, 2012

First Post

Yes here I am at the beginning.
This blog is firstly for myself, to keep track of my healthy weight loss and to log my fitness goals, but hopefully if I am successful it might be helpful to others as well. Who knows?
I have decided to use the JUDDD programme. It's super easy. One day you eat normally and the next you restrict  yourself to 500 calories.
I started on November 30, so as of today I have made it through 2 down days. Today is a normal day and I'm really looking forward to having a roast chicken dinner. Yummy.
The bad news is I am really overweight - 110kilos. The good news is that I joined the gym last week and managed 3 work out days. Hooray! I also feel confident that with this new way of eating I will be successfull getting down to a healthy weight.
This weeks goals are simple - work out at the gym 3 or 4 days. Stay on track with the diet. If I am hungry on the down days I only have to wait until the next day for whatever it was I was craving. Maybe by then I won't actually want to eat it.
I've been looking around for good recipes to have on the down days. 500 calories is not much but if you are careful you can do a lot with it. Luckily I am a dab hand with cuisines such as Indian and Thai where you can use lots of spicy vegetable and maybe a little rice or lentils. You can eat quite a lot of that for the calories. So with careful planning I won't feel too hungry at first.